Other Services we Provide
Cupping - glass, plastic or silicone cups are placed on the skin with a vacuum created by heat or a suction device. Cupping draws out inflammation, detoxifies the body and improves circulation. Improved circulation helps speed up recovery.
Electro-Acupuncture - an electrical current is run from an e-stim device by connecting wires to the handles of acupuncture needles to assist in stimulating acupuncture points, muscle or fascia.
Moxibustion - the burning of a ground herb in the mugwort family, called Artemisia Vulgaris. Moxa is used to warm, strengthen and relieve symptoms. It comes in several forms including stick, cone, rice grain or stick on.
Neuro-Acupuncture - (also known as scalp acupuncture) - involves the use of needles on the scalp to affect certain points that correspond to the regions of the brain related to specific conditions, including Stroke, Brain Injuries (TBI), Parkinson’s, Complex Regional Pain or Neuropathy. Neuro-Acupuncture helps to reconnect and rewire the brain in order to restore function.
Acupuncture for Pain And Sports Injuries - involves the use of Battlefield Acupuncture, Muscle Channel Technique, Dr. Tan’s Balance Method, Tung Style Acupuncture, Acupuncture Trigger Point Therapy, Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy, and Acupuncture Sports Medicine (Whitfield Reaves) to address pain and expedite the healing of injuries.
NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) Protocol - for addressing addiction, stress, and trauma (PTSD).
Targeted Supplementation - therapeutic application of herbs, vitamins, minerals, and nutritional supplements based on diagnostic testing. This is for people with no particular health concerns who would like a guided approach to supplementation.
Click here for more information on our areas of care.